
Nexaria: Setting Guide for 5e and Pathfinder 2e

Created by Luis Castro

Unveil the darkest secrets of a godless world where magic is broken and a terrible blight threatens to consume it all. Due to fluctuating global shipping rates, we will be charging shipping fees at a later date. Your payment information is required to complete your survey.
We will keep you updated through Kickstarter Updates for when shipping fees will be applied to your pre-order. Thank you for your patience and understanding!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

December Update
about 2 months ago – Tue, Dec 31, 2024 at 07:09:32 AM

Greetings backers!
I hope you're having a fantastic winter holiday! ❄️

As I told you in the last update, we are behind schedule regarding the delivery date. We have continued our work without pause and are working in parallel so the editors review the finished parts while I finish the writing. The 5e conversion and the art are also in progress as I write this update.
All the people I'm working with have their day jobs, and when the end of the year is near, crunches often happen, so they have to focus on it.

Fortunately (or not, time will tell), I was fired from my day job last month, and I have decided to work full-time in the TTRPG sector. This will give me more time to focus on Nexaria and other projects. The new year is going to be quite exciting!

I'm looking forward to finishing and sending you the Nexaria books and discussing future projects in this world.

Before finishing the update, I wanted to show you some advanced sketches of the illustrations.

And that's it for this year!
I hope you have a really good last 2024 night and Happy New Year! 🥂

Best wishes,


November Update
3 months ago – Sun, Nov 10, 2024 at 01:26:05 PM

Hi everyone!

I wanted to share an update on the progress with the book. The chapter detailing the new crafting and alchemy options, including new components and consumables, is now complete. This chapter also features new items, such as new relics.

Additionally, the chapter about new tools for the GM and the secrets surrounding Nexaria has been finished as well. However, I would like to revisit the mechanics of the villains to see if there are any refinements I can make. Throughout the writing process, I've gone back and reworked several sections to improve the overall quality, and I’m pleased with the results.

While the other chapters have progressed, they haven't moved forward as much as I would have liked.

Regarding the delivery date, I want to address it directly. Although delivery dates in crowdfunding are “estimate”, I always strive to adhere to them. Unfortunately, due to various reasons, the project will be delayed. The crowdfunding campaign didn’t raise as much as I had hoped, which forced me to find additional funds to cover certain aspects of the book that the original budget couldn’t accommodate. I was upfront about this from the beginning: even if I don't make a profit or incur a loss, consider it an investment in the future to continue developing more Nexaria content that will hopefully garner more interest.

As a result, I added more content to the book than initially planned, because I wanted everyone to enjoy more of this world. I want to reassure you that the project will only be delayed slightly, and everything will be worth the wait. Those who have supported my other projects know that I have always delivered. Even during the pandemic, I managed to fulfill my commitments, albeit with minimal delays. Plus, unlike many RPG publishers who work with printers in China, I collaborate with a European printer. This ensures that production and shipping will happen much more quickly.

To conclude this month's update, I'm excited to share some sketches of the villains. These enemies are unique (or almost unique), and similar to many video games, your encounters with them will feature several phases. Some villains will undergo a complete transformation with a new appearance, while others will only experience minor changes. However, don’t be fooled—each phase will come with different abilities, attacks, and strategies.

I hope you enjoy the designs, even if some of them are a bit rough. You'll soon see the final, polished (and deadly) results.

See you next month!

- Luis

October update
5 months ago – Wed, Oct 02, 2024 at 12:39:45 PM

Hey everyone!

I hope you all had a great summer! Sorry for the late update. I decided to take some time off to deal with burnout. This project is huge, and even though I’m working with some people, most of the work I’m doing by myself. Sometimes it's best to take some distance and rest. 

Before I get into the big stuff, I wanted to let you know that I've decided to stop releasing playtests. It takes a lot of work to prepare all the playtests with the texts, illustrations, and layout, and I haven’t received any feedback. I prefer to focus all my energy on the final book.

Now, let's talk about the progress of the book. Some chapters are finished, and others are quite advanced. Some of this content has already been converted to 5e, while other, as it’s not game-related and it's just lore, will not be included in the 5e companion book. Taking a quick look at the not-final table of contents, this is the estimated progress:

  • Welcome to Nexaria (Introduction, Calendar and time, Cosmology): 100%
  • History: 100% 
  • People (Ancestries and Heritages): 100% 
  • Faiths: 100%
  • Factions: 50%
  • Gazetteer: 
    • Argos Empire: 30%
    • Enduring Coast: 25%
    • Free Lands: 25%
    • Jeweled Shores: 25%
    • Nazera: 100%
    • Twilit Territories: 100%
    • Waste Lands: 50% 
    • Wildlife (Fauna, Flora, Weather): 100% 
    • Cuisine and Recipes (Real and “Ingame” dishes): 100%
    • Venturing in Nexaria (Classes, Weapons, Magic, Harvesting, and Crafting): 100% 
    • Treasures (Armaments of the Five, Mementos, Alchemy): 75%
    • GM Toolkit (Secrets, The Eye of Blight, Nether Rifts, Crimson Blight, Villains): 80%
    •  Bestiary: 30%

To finish the update, I want to share some finished creature illustrations with you. You will need to be brave to face these monsters and survive!

And that’s all for today. Good gaming!

- Luis

New playtest and more
7 months ago – Fri, Jul 26, 2024 at 04:05:51 AM

Hey everyone!

I hope you are all having a great summer!
Here are the points I will cover in this update:

  • 📜 New Pathfinder 2 Playtest
  • 🎲 Nexaria Adventure
  • 💾 Pathbuilder custom module
  • 🧙‍♂️ Custom Characters for Deluxe Tiers


You can now access the new Playtest for Pathfinder 2 through your BarckerKit account. There you will find all the ancestries and heritages in the book. I have also made some changes to the ones published in previous playtests. Also included are the Warped Weapons with art of all of them! I hope you like how they have turned out. I love them! In the next playtest, I will include the witch patron and with it, everything related to the characters will be finished. As always, please note that this text is not yet edited and there may be errors that will be corrected once the edit pass is done.


This point is not related to this project, but it is about Nexaria. Soon I will start a new adventure with my friends at home and this adventure is the one that I intend to be the next project to be published about Nexaria. The name (for the moment placeholder) is The Stygian Ascension. If there are any doubts, this will not affect the development of this project, but it will help me for the next one. I have many ideas in mind that I hope we can bring out in the future.


In the Kickstarter, I didn't offer anything for Pathbuilder, but I know it's an application Pathfinder players use to create and manage characters. Related to the previous point, since the adventure takes place in Nexaria, my players can choose the options I will publish in the setting book. Because of this, I am making a custom Pathbuilder module that will include all the character options so they can create their characters and I have decided to offer it to you for free. Once I finish it, I will let you know here so you can download it through Backerkit.


As you have access to all the ancestries and heritages of Nexaria, those who chose the Lore Keeper pledge can now create the character they want. In a few days, I will send you an email asking for all the necessary information to make your illustration and to introduce your character in the world of Nexaria.

That's all for now. I hope you like the new content and I would love to know your opinion of what you have already read about Nexaria.

Once again, thanks a lot for your support!

- Luis

New team members, 5e content and more
8 months ago – Thu, Jun 27, 2024 at 04:32:28 AM

Hey everyone!

Here's the latest monthly update on the project, featuring new team members, playtest content, illustrations, and more.

We have three new team members on board who are contributing to the project.

VJ Harris and Rue V. Dickey are joining us to assist with the editing process and bring their ideas to the game. Many of you may already know VJ from their work on MCDM (Arcadia and Flee Mortals!), and Rue from their marketing work for Paizo, Hit Point Press, Inspirisles, and other projects.

The latest addition to the project is Álvaro Jiménez, an illustrator and concept artist who has previously collaborated with Games Workshop, Cubicle7, FromSoftware, Square Enix, and others. I can share with you one of the illustrations he is currently working on – it's a depiction of the Twilit Territories.

The content for 5e is being converted from Pathfinder 2, so it's taking a bit longer, but those of you who have the Companion can now access the new PDF that includes the Ailuren and Wulver in the digital content of your BackerKit account.

I'm also finishing up the last PF2 heritage, the previous Dhampir, which is now going to be a new heritage called "Ashenbloods" (this name may sound familiar to you). You can read their introduction here:

“Descendants of the ancient founders of Apathya, the Ashenbloods are the offspring of the horror and tragedy that struck their city. Marked by the pact made by their ancestors, they prefer to live hidden from mortal society, concentrating in places where more of their peers dwell, such as the Twilit Territories. Their vampire-like features complicate their lives, raising suspicion and fear among the mortal population. They have very long lives as their aging is prolonged, and they can live up to 500 years. Once they reach adolescence at a similar age as humans, their heart rate slows down, delaying their body aging but maintaining youthful energy. Although they do not need to feed on blood to live, they find pleasure in doing so and when they do, they increase their inner might, releasing an innate hidden power.”

 With this, the entire section on People would be completed; only requiring editing.

Another chapter I'm eager for you to see is the one about the Mementos: Mementos are legendary, unique, and very powerful magic items. The power of mementos increases along with their wielder, unlocking dormant abilities and bestowing them on the wearer. As the talents of the wearer progress, so do those of their memento, as long as the wearer takes the time to bond with it, learn its history, and awaken its dormant power.

To wrap up this update, I'd like to share more illustrations of some warped weapons that I've just received. Can't wait to show you more of these!

That's it for now. See you in the next update!
