Unveil the darkest secrets of a godless world where magic is broken and a terrible blight threatens to consume it all.
Due to fluctuating global shipping rates, we will be charging shipping fees at a later date. Your payment information is required to complete your survey. We will keep you updated through Kickstarter Updates for when shipping fees will be applied to your pre-order. Thank you for your patience and understanding!
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Last update of the year
about 1 year ago
– Fri, Dec 22, 2023 at 05:24:12 AM
Hello everyone!
I wanted to post one last update before the end of the year.
You should have a new playtest PDF with single pages instead of spreads in your BackerKit account. This way it will be easier for you to read it on tablets (Thanks Andrew for the suggestion).
On the other hand, the content of the book is still progressing. The first two chapters are already finished.
The first one is an introduction to Nexaria and the contents of the book. It includes a calendar of the setting, the cosmology as well as things to keep in mind for running adventures in the world.
The second one is about the history of Nexaria, from its creation to the present day. Also, yesterday I received the last illustration of this chapter and I can guarantee you that it is amazing.
The third chapter is about the people of Nexaria and its quite advanced. The ailurens are already finished (as you can see in the playtest), the wulvers and primogens are very advanced and the rest of the lineages are almost finished.
The chapter called "Adventuring in Nexaria" includes the Inquisitor (finished), the Crimson Acolyte (almost finished) and the rest of the player options that are very advanced.
Of the rest of the chapters there are also advances as part of the Gazetteer, factions, items, creatures and others, but it would be too many to list.
I have also received most of the illustrations of the book that I am looking forward to show you.
To finish off, I wanted to thank you again for helping me to make this project a reality this year. Next year will be a great one for Nexaria.
Have a great Christmas and happy new year.
IMPORTANT UPDATE on the languages of the books
about 1 year ago
– Thu, Dec 07, 2023 at 03:59:53 AM
I have received a couple of messages from people asking about when the material was going to be released in their language (in this case Spanish and Italian). I'm writing this update in case there are more people with the same question.
Nexaria is going to be released ONLY IN ENGLISH. I don't quite understand where this confusion comes from. The whole Kickstarter campaign is in English, all communications have been in English, and in the FAQ there is a specific question about this.
I'm sorry if there are people who thought it was going to be in another language, but nowhere have I said it was going to be like that.
On another note, I hope you are enjoying the playtest.
Have a good day,
Playtests sent!
about 1 year ago
– Tue, Dec 05, 2023 at 01:55:33 PM
Hi everyone!
I hope you all had an amazing weekend.
You should have the first playtest by now. The DnD 5e one should have arrived during the weekend and the Pathfinder 2e one a few minutes ago. Sorry for the delay with the Pathfinder one. At the last minute we decided to create and add a new archetype so you can try it now.
In addition, we have also included the Warped Weapons so you can use them and enjoy their devastating powers. I'm sure some of you are familiar with them. I'm a big Bloodborne fan and you will see quite a few things in Nexaria inspired by the game (and many other inspirations). In the adventures we have played in my house I adapted those kinds of weapons to Pathfinder, but not as many as you will find in the book! In the next playtest for DnD 5e you will be able to try them.
In case I haven't mentioned it before, the development process of the book in terms of content related to a system is first done for Pathfinder 2e and then the conversion to DnD 5e (which David N. Ross is in charge of).
In order to access the digital content (such as the playtest) you have to log into your BackerKit account and it will appear there. The digital content will appear depending on what you have chosen in BackerKit, so it is important that you complete the survey.
In the playtest document you will find a link to give feedback on what you try in the playtest as well as a link to the Discord server (you also have the link in previous updates).
Finally, I wanted to show you the sketches of some of the new ascentries and heritages that you will find in Nexaria. They are looking amazing! I can't wait for you to learn about all of them.
Sketches of the new Ancestries and Heritages
I hope you enjoy this first playtest!
Take care!
News and Playtest!
about 1 year ago
– Wed, Nov 22, 2023 at 04:02:17 AM
This post is for backers only. Please visit Kickstarter.com and log in to read.
BackerKit surveys and Pre-Order Store!
over 1 year ago
– Fri, Oct 20, 2023 at 03:54:13 AM
Hi everyone!
I hope you had a good week and that you are ready for the weekend! In today's update I wanted to let you know that I have finished setting up BackerKit so that you can complete your selection of books and add-ons.
The invitations will be sent to you next week. On Monday a smoke test will be sent to 5% of backers to check that everything is working fine. Once we check that everything goes smoothly, we will send the rest of the invitations.
In Barckerkit you will see the pledge and the add-ons you chose in Kickstarter. You will be able to switch to another pledge level if you have changed your mind and also you will be able to choose more add-ons. If you decide to switch to a lower-priced pledge, you will have the remaining credit to get more add-ons or pay shipping fees. The price difference will not be refunded in case you have credit remaining.
You will have to fill in your shipping information, but shipping feeswill not be charged until the shipping date is near. This is the best way to be sure of the prices as they can fluctuate between now and when we ship, but prices will be close to what they were on Kickstarter.
I have also added a question in Backerkit to know your thoughts about Nexaria and if you would be interested in more publications of the setting.
Last but not least, the store is now open for pre-orders. If you have friends who you think might be interested in Nexaria, but didn't enter the Kickstarter, you can send them THIS LINK.
That's all for now. In the next update I will tell you about the first playtests.